Owensboro Health | Lift | June 2019

6 Owensboro Health • June 2019 Wendell Foster held a half-marathon on March 23, 2019. It was 13.1 miles and a little chilly and overcast — nearly perfect running weather. Owensboro Health team members showed up for support or to run with almost a thousand others from around the country. Looking in from the outside, it might be difficult to surmise why so many folks would train, travel, get up early and run a distance equivalent to going from Smothers Park to Utica. However, each runner has a reason for this undertaking. The easons we run “The reason I run is for mental and physical well-being. I have done two half-marathons in the past and I always wanted to do another one, but this one is special. I have a nonverbal, disabled son who goes to Wendell Foster for physical therapy, and I am so grateful for this facility and their staff.” — Loary Bartlett, medical assistant “I started volunteering at the Wendell Foster campus when I was 10 years old as the third generation of my family. The campus has been a part of my family’s life since the 1950s.” — Steve Johnson, vice president of Government and Community Affairs Dr. Adrian Yeiser, hospitalist “The reason why I run is to achieve personal challenges that I set for myself. On my first half, the 13.1 miles was my challenge. With this half, it is the challenge of being part of the stroller division. My running partner in the stroller division is a Wendell Foster resident. This is his first half and my first stroller division half. Our main goal for this half is to finish.” — Robin Tucker, Business Systems analyst Owensboro Health and Wendell Foster Half-Marathon “Prior to coming to Owensboro Health, I worked at Wendell Foster for about seven years. I’ve volunteered and worked with individuals with special needs since I was 15 years old.” — Kerri Booker, APRN Our Healthpark crew runs for, well…health!